Monday, August 4, 2008

Strange & Unusual Kitties

I have the weirdest cats I tell you. I love them to death but some times they really make me question they're intelligence. I have some photos I've wanted to share that I think everyone would get a good laugh from.

This would be Shmee. This was taken back in February. He was just getting over a cold which he had gotten from Panzer when we brought him home from the ASPCA. I was taking a bath and next thing I swore Shmee was going to jump in the bathtub with me. But he only ended up wanting to lay on the side. He stayed there long enough after I got out of the tub to grab the camera to take these photos.

Next we have Panzer. The first 2 photos I took, this was before I started utilizing the space on top of my Kitchen cabinets. So he decided that he wanted to get comfortable up there.

This next photo was taken not to long after my DBF and I got home from doing the laundry. I was having DBF take up the baskets to our bedroom and Panzer decided he wanted to stay on the basket. I just had to take a picture.

This one was also taken earlier the same day. He decided he wanted to play in the laundry basket after we took the clothes out to be washed.

These are just some of the ones I took. I have many more but to refrain from fighting with the Blogger Image Uploader I'm going to break them down and do them in a few entries. I still have Starr to introduce. Enjoy-

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