Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay so I managed to be productive this morning. I cleaned everything on my desk that was just scattared around. I sorted the papers that needed to be recycled and organized all my coupons so I can cut them later when I get home from work. I'm usually not this productive before work but I've been bored latley that I just decided that I needed to do something.

When I get home tonight I really need to do the dishes and start organizing my stockpile. Tomorrow I'm off, I have so much to do. I hope I can it all done before I need to go to my friends house to help her out.

Time to go take a shower and get ready for work since I have to be there in less then an hour. I'm glad I don't live far or I wouldn't be able to do I also have some photos I want to add from apparently the new pet we got and I didn't know about that I came home to from work Saturday night. Plus my strange kitties doing things that just make you go Awww :D

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