Monday, August 18, 2008

Life Lessons

So yesterday was a big bust, needless to say we didn't make it to the gym. I came home after a crappy day of work which I will get into why it was so crappy shortly. I sent a text to both my friend and my cousin to remind them and to let them know what time I was getting out and what I was doing so they didn't go there and was just waiting for me. Well 2:30p comes around and I leave from work and head home to get something to eat because I didn't get a lunch so I was starving. Just as I get in the door I'm getting a text message back from my cousin asking me if there was any way we could all go later because something came up and she wasn't going to be able to got right then. Since it was Sunday the gym closes at 7pm, but it would reopen at Midnight into Monday. I didn't want to go that late considering the fact that I was up at 6:30am and I knew I was going to be tired by then and wouldn't want to go. I told her it was ok no big deal, then explained to her the only other time we would be able to go was after midnight and I didn't want to go that late. She sent me one back saying she was sorry and didn't mean for it to happen again. We had made plans before to go and she ended up not making it because she over slept then had to get ready to go to work.

Shortly after I get done talking to my cousin my friend sends me a text saying she just got my text and that she was at her parents house with the baby visiting and didn't know when they were going to be leaving. At this point I knew it was a big bust and sent her a text back saying it was ok not to worry about it, she didn't need to rush and that my cousin already canceled so I said it wasn't a big deal if she didn't make it. She said she was really sorry and didn't plan on going over there but her mom wanted to see the baby. I would love to have been able to get there yesterday but it wasn't a huge deal. I still had a decent night.

Ok so my crappy day at work. Things were going pretty good in the morning, I got everything I had to get done it was pretty slow in the lab but steady. Around noon my manager comes over and asks me if I would cover the main register so the girl up there could take her lunch, I agree and head up there after I get everything that's is due in the hour started so the manager just has to print everything. She leaves and time goes on, it started getting really busy but I take notice its the half hour point where she should be back but no sign of her. 45 minutes then go by, then an hour and shes still not back. The manager at this point is wondering where she is and keep apologizing to me that shes not back yet. Then the phone starts ringing I pick it up and someone who sounds like the girl is calling asking for a manager. At this point it slowed down and I page for him that someone is on the phone and it sounds like her. He takes the call and starts saying stuff like ohh and I'm sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out. He gets off the phone and said that it was her and that shes not coming back. That something happened (didn't say what) and that she was leaving tomorrow her parents were coming from Missouri to get her. The manager said he was really sorry to me again because that meant that I had to stay on the register since she wasn't coming back.

I'm frustrated at this point because she was fine all morning and just before she called in, her son was just in prior to her calling asking where she was, I told him she was on lunch and due back any moment. He then went out side and I guess was waiting for her. I then saw him talking to a girl that looked like her but I wasn't sure because it was hard to see where I was at. Shortly after that is when we got the phone call so I was really confused on what had happened. I sent a text to the one girl at work with who lives with the one who left and asked what had happened, she sent me one back saying she had a break down and was trying to do everything to calm her down and get her to come back to work. At this point it was 2pm so I knew she wasn't coming back to finish her shift. Since she did that I pretty much got screwed out of taking my lunch. They let me leave at 2:30 instead of 3p which I was scheduled to work till since I didn't get my lunch. I wasn't going to complain because I got to leave earlier, but I was starving and it was busy again so I couldn't even like snack on something while I was taking care of customers. After 2:30p came I got my things to purchase and left. I was so glad to get out of there after everything that happened.

As the day went on my mom ended up coming by to visit to drop off my coupons and some other things she wanted to give me. She stayed for a little bit and helped me do my dishes before my DBF came home so I could make dinner. I was showing her my winter stockpile list and some of the things I bought from work that day. I also gave her a few things that she said she needed that I knew I had plenty of to spare. She said it was funny because shes not the one thats suppose to come over and getting stuff that its suppose to be the other way around. After she left, DBF and I had a nice night, I made a really nice dinner which I couldn't eat all of mine I ended up saving the rest of it figuring I would have it for Lunch the following day. After dinner we cuddled and just spent time in each others arms. It was a nice way to end a not so good day.

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