I still wish I got to my stockpile today but I had more important things to do when I got out of work. I ended up going to my friends house so I could take her to to find the diapers she needed because the pull ups she had that she thought she might be able to get away with using at night for her daughter but they didn't work out so she needed to get them. We went to K-mart at first since it was closest in town, they didn't have the small pack she wanted only the larger ones. I managed to find a small towel that I have been searching for to use for my hair. When I needed another one I was looking all over and every where we went to the one day wanted almost $4 for a small almost child size towel. I'm glad I managed to find one, and it was only $1.99.
Since K-mart didn't have the diapers we decided to check out Redner's Supermarket since it was in the same shopping center. Thank god they had them. We also found a few other things since we were there. They had Kool-aid packets on sale 10/$1 which was the cheapest I have seen for them. They also had Mrs. Grass Soup which I LOVE, on sale 10/$10 so I got 2 boxes even though I don't really need them but for that price I just had to. You never know, fall is just around the corner which means cold season is going to be here soon. I also got some more food for my spoiled kitties because I had coupons, well I managed to spot on the top overstock shelf they had 2 for the price of 1 bonus packs. The coupons I had were for 1 free can with the purchase of 4, so the $0.89 per 2 cans was worth it with the coupon for a free one also. The kitties were very happy when I got home and gave them a can. They had there bowls cleaned in minutes like they never ate before. I'm glad they don't eat a can each twice a day or I would be broke feeding them. They have they're dry food out all day which they can eat when ever they want, and we feed them 1 can of wet food between the 3 of them in the morning, and 1 can at night.
After our little shopping trip I came home and wanted to start my stockpile but I ended up not making it there. I got caught up in watching something on Discovery Health then I ended up taking a nap for 2 hrs. When I got up it was 8:30pm. I needed a nap after not getting a whole lot of sleep last night. Since I woke up late yesterday I wasn't even tired by the time 1am came around last night. But I forced my self to try. I took a shower before I decided to lay down, figuring a nice warm shower would help me sleep. Well it didn't help much, I still just laid there. I maybe fell asleep at 2-2:30am. Then next thing I knew I had to get up for work. Time went by fast at work tho. So I wasn't really tired when I was there. It just hit me when I got home.
Only thing I did productive tonight was I finished cutting up my veggies so I could freeze them. My mom gave me a bunch of green bell peppers yesterday so I wanted to cut them up and freeze them. I still had the yellow squash, zucchini, egg plant, and some cucumbers (which I found out tonight you could actually freeze). Also my mom brought me some small pickling ones today when I was at work that I just washed and threw in my pickle jar I had in the fridge. I can't wait to try them in about a week. I told her already I wanted more. I LOVE pickles. It took me about an hour and half but I finished cutting and vacuum sealing all the veggies so I could freeze them but it was worth it I think. I also cut up the mango's that I got the other day from Price Chopper so they wouldn't get any more ripe and go bad before we got to eat them.
My mom also told me that my Uncle (her brother) might be getting a new deep freezer and they are going to get rid of the small chest freezer they have. She said she already put in a word that I want it if they do get a new one. I just hope they do because I could really use it, especially since winter is in a few months it would be nice to stock up on the fresh produce that is available now. If they don't end up getting a new one, I'll probably invest in getting one by asking my Dad to help put some money toward it since he owes me from Christmas of last year, and my Birthday this year which he is suppose to be getting me a printer for my computer. That's a whole other story in it's self...lol
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