Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cabinet Potatoes...

     So I was starting dinner tonight wanted to make some Baked potatoes to go with the pork chops. I always keep the potatoes in our one cabinet next to the rice, beans and tomato sauce. When I opened the cabinet I couldn't believe my eyes.

Didn't think till after I took them out to take a photo, but the open space is where I keep them.

Holy Eyes!

Perfect for Growing :D
I am guessing my cabinet is the perfect condition to start growing them. I have never seen eye's this big before. Only downfall is I have no idea how to grow them. I still have plenty left that I want to use in the garden but can't seam to find the info I am looking for. If anyone knows where I can find some information on growing potatoes please let me know because these look like they would make great potatoes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Great Inspiration sometimes just Hits you.

So ever since we moved the litter boxes out of the middle room into the Kitchen I had a white Rack I didn't know what to do with. It was sitting in our spare bathroom till I figured it out since it wouldn't fit in there where I wanted because it's too wide. Then just now it hit me. Put it on top of my Dryer. I've been wanting to add extra storage in there but didn't have the money to get the shelving right now. It's perfect because the light is usually very good in their so it will be perfect to start my seeds too and I'll have the room to put them with the shelves. I'm so excited, I wish I thought of it sooner but hey better late then never. Here's what it looks like :D

Please ignore the mess in there right now and when it's nicer out I need to really clean the rack off bc there's like soda and juice spilled on it. But it works perfect I'm so thrilled. Just what I needed. This is how you Utilize your space ;)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Feeling Motivational.

So ever since my friend told me about this Blog called The Mobile-Homemaker Reading it has got me motivated to actually do somethings about our Trailer decorating wise. So much that we actually changed our living room around Sunday night after our Daughter went to bed. I have been wanting to do something about it for awhile but didn't know how to set it up then it hit me. Luckly everything we have in our living room was just the right measurements to move everything around. Only issue I see us having is when the summer comes and we need to put are A/C in since our TV and Couch is in front of the only 2 windows in here. I think if we move the couch forward just a little we could do it but we'll deal with it when the time comes. Right now it's still been pretty cold with occasional nice days.

Here are the before photos of how our living room was set up.
This is Old but you Get the idea of how it used to be set up.
On the left we have 2 other book cases that you can't see since this is the only photo I can seam to find right now (as you can see my daughter was very little).

Here are the after photos.

We are extremely happy with the move of everything as it opened up so much more room in here. No more tripping over the coffee table because it was such a tight fit. Only thing now is I have to redo the built in's we do have. There are some things I want to take out and put new things I have gotten over time.

Next we need to redo our middle room for the little one on the way. That's going to be a bigger project since that requires new flooring since the carpet in there was ruined by the cats litter boxes being in there. But since we moved those to the kitchen it's kind of become our junk gathering room.

I have plans to do more before and after things with our Home. It's going to be a slow process especially when the little one is born in September. So in the mean time going to take some baby steps and work on what I can.

Friday, March 2, 2012


So it has come to this again where I have neglected my blog. But allot has happened that I really don't want to get into so I'm just going to leave it at that.

I want to start writing again and since I have come up with some new ideas of things I'm going to start sharing them.

I have officially Joined the Prepper community. If you don't know what a prepper is it is someone who is prepping for anything from a major disaster to maybe fearing of losing their job. Our stockpile has saved us many times from when I hurt my back at work to when our Daughter was born. But after the flood we had last year from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee it really opened my eyes that we could have been better prepared for something like that. As we didn't get any damage our selves we were with out water for awhile, no power, and roads closed due to damage. So we were pretty much sitting ducks in our house.

Also we are expecting again. Due with #2 in September. Can't wait to find out what we are having though so we can prepare our selves for our new bundle of joy.

Yesterday a friend of mine shared a blog with me about someone who is trying to make things work in their 2 bedroom mobile home. I just adore her blog and want to try on working some of her ideas into my blog since we now live in our mobile home. My new years goal this year was to start to be more self sufficient and more organized. I have big plans to go through everything and start getting rid of some things and pack some things away like our Daughters old things. I also want to get rid of our storage unit so we can save more money. We already payed off one of the loans we were paying on this year, and I'm hoping to pay off some more things next year at income tax time. We really are hoping most of our debt is fully payed off by the time our Daughter starts school so then we can afford for me to drop part time.

Well I'm going to end this post here and come back another day when I don't have work. But I want to give this a try again.

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