Saturday, August 16, 2008

Can't wait

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. My friend is really excited as well especially after I showed her the site of what all the gym had to offer. I also got a hold of my cousin and asked her if she was doing anything and asked if she wanted to go with us since she has a membership to the gym too. It's going to be fun to have a girls day just working out and bonding since we haven't hung out together in awhile. We are all the same age and had gone to school together. We have all been out of school since 2002 and really haven't hung out since then. Last time we all were together was at my friends baby shower which was about 4 months ago. It's nice to get together with friends you thought you might have grown apart from. I have noticed getting older it's harder to make friends, well it is for me anyway because I have so many trust issues because of getting betrayed by people I thought were my friends in the past. It's nice to know though who my true friends are now and that I can count on them when I need them. I still see some of my old friends from school every now and then but things have changed so much we have become more acquaintances then friends since then.

Thursday night a girl who was my best friend the entire time of high school her husband who I was just friends with came in with there son to get some medicine for her because she was sick. That was the first time I got to see there son since they had him, which I think was almost year already I believe. He then also told me that they were expecting again and was due in 3 month, this time with a girl. I was so happy for them, it just sucks because I miss her and I end up seeing her husband more then I do her since we all had graduated. But life goes on and people do grow apart even though you don't want that to happen. It's just apart of life that you have to accept.

There is one person that used to be my best friend, I knew her since I was 7 when we first moved to the area I live in now. I was shy and quiet and was afraid to get to know anyone but she was the one who came up to me and started talking. From then on we were inseparable. We did everything together. When high school came around her family moved to another town which was on the other side of the river which meant she wouldn't be able to go to the same high school. For my 9th grade year I was with out my best friend. But then we came up with a plan to allow her to be able to attend the next year. She ended up u
sing my address and phone number and stated that she was living with us because of family issues. So from then on she was able to attend. Slowly I started noticing us growing apart then it happened. After graduation we hardly saw each other. Then months pass by and then I find out shes pregnant and got an invitation to her baby shower. I was so excited for her and couldn't wait to see her again. But then after the baby shower came and went and I didn't see her for months. She ended up having the baby and didn't even tell me till a month after she had the baby. Then I didn't even get to see her new daughter till 2 months after that when she was shopping in Wal*mart when I was working there. I was so heart broken. The person who I thought was my best friend just slowly walked out of my life and I didn't even do anything to make it happen. It's been 6 years since graduation and I only saw her maybe 4 or 5 times since then and it just kills me. What killed me even more was the fact that when she got married she didn't even tell me, I found out through a friends myspace page that I had introduced her to. I was crushed. That was a real eye opener to me, she made me realize that she wasn't who I thought she was. All those years of doing everything for her because she was my best friend, she made me feel like she used me the whole time.

But that's all apart of life even though it sucks, but it made me realize that I'm at a place in my life that now I know who my true friends are and that's all that matters. I can't let things from the past to let me down even though it makes me wonder what ever happened to make things the way they are today.

Which brings me to my next topic of life.
Did you ever just sit back and look at every aspect of your life and think what it be like if you did things differently?

I've been with my DBF since I was 17, we met through a mutual friend that I went to school with who he happened to have grew up with. It was the summer of 2001 I had just finished my Junior year and was on to my Senior year. I wasn't looking for anyone that summer, I just wanted to have fun with my friends. So 2 of my friends at the time and I went to hang out with our friend one night and there he was. I instantly found him attractive and wanted to get to know him right away. But my shyness over took and I was afraid to talk to him. Come to find out also he wanted to get to know me to but was afraid to say anything because he had actually just went through a bad break up. He was living in Florida with his Dad and his high school sweetheart ended up cheating on him with his best friend and she left him. So he was heart broken and came back up to PA to stay with his mom for awhile to get away. When my friend told me about all of this I instantly knew how he was feeling.

So after that my friend and his sister wanted to help us get together. So they decided we were all going to play Truth or Dare. By the end of the night they dared us to kiss. From that kiss there was an instant connection between us and we both knew it. After we were done playing we got some alone time and were talking. That night we found out we had allot in common, including going to school for the same thing. He eventually asked me to go out with him on a date and of course I accepted. After that night I started getting nervous when it got closer and closer to the day of our date and I got scared to the point I wanted to cancel. But our friend talked us into moving it up sooner then it was. So we ended up having our date and from then on we have been inseparable and now 7 years later we are still going strong. We did break up 3 times through out our relationship, but it didn't last longer then a month at the most which was pretty much because we spent so much time together and we didn't have our own place yet, that we just needed some space. Still living with our parents and only having our bedrooms we just started to get on each others nerves. As time went on we have realized that we are meant to be with one another, I mean my god he never went back to Florida to be with me. I don't think I would change it for the world as much as we have our issues from time to time, but who doesn't honestly. We are only human.

We survived our first year of living together and on to our 2nd, things are going better then they ever were with us and I hope they can only get better. I really hope to get married soon and eventually start a family. He was always the man of my dreams and he found me, I didn't have to go looking for him.

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