Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Nerve of Some People

Work was going pretty good. There wasn't a whole lot of orders left to do after yesterdays promotion. My head photo tech also told me that our store manager got yelled at by our district manager for not having the coverage needed for yesterdays promotion. About time too because he keeps doing that to us.

The night was going by pretty fast, a little annoying because everyone who dropped off film yesterday kept calling to see if there order was ready yet.

Then came the customer from hell. With yesterdays promotion, it was technically only 1 roll of film per household. But we let some people get away with 2 if they had the printable coupons from there e-mail. Now anyone was entitled to getting extra prints or a CD if they wanted but they had to pay for them. The 2nd set of prints was $3 and the CD is $2.99. There was a customer that my manager took the order in someone had 2 rolls of film they wanted to drop off. He explained to her we could do both of them but she would have to pay for the 2nd set of prints and the CD that she wanted. I guess she understood because I wasn't asked anything at the time to make sure.

Well today we were having issues with the orders if people got extra stuff, they weren't ringing up right at the register so we would have to price modify them to what ever extras they got. Now this girl came back today to get her photos. I made sure she was one who had the coupon for the free processing and she said yes, so I had to adjust it for the extras she got. Well I guess it wasn't good enough for her she was complaining about the price being so high. So I explained to her what we were explaining to people all day yesterday and I know my manager who was helping me take in the orders was telling people the extra charges if they wanted extras. She said she was told that for both of her rolls it would be only $6something. So I explained to her again the charges, Her order was going to be $6.99 each because she got a 2nd set of prints and a CD and she had 2 rolls of film that was processed.

Well she started to get irate with me so I called a manager which I was told earlier that if anyone gave us a hard time about the orders to let them take care of it. I went to call the manager and at this point I was getting a line of more people. She then started getting very rude with me saying that don't worry about it that she will just call and complain about it tomorrow. I said there is no need to call and complain I am just trying to explain to you the charges. Well she just didn't want to hear it. She then said what do I have to do for you to just take my money and let me leave then throws her $20 down on the counter. I said I'm just waiting for a manager because I am not dealing with this. She then said I just want to pay for it and go. So to shut her up I took her money and finished ringing out her order. She then proceeds to tell me that this is just wonderful, and then in front of everyone at my counter who has been waiting patiently for me to help them she then says that I am just unfu*king believable. Then walks away saying it again. I said I'm sorry I don't know how I was being rude to you, I was just trying to explain to you the pricing. Then she said something else which I didn't hear and she was gone.

Everyone at my counter was standing there in shock just as I was. They all kept saying how sorry they were for me, that I didn't need that. They even said they didn't see how I was being rude to her. I proceeded to help out the customers I had waiting for me and just as they left I almost started to cry (beings that I got my period today I was hormonal). I called my manager on duty to let him know what happened and as I told him her name in case she did call and complain they were well aware of the situation and he said he instantly knew who she was from when he took the order in. He said he had a feeling she didn't get what he explained to her when he took the order in. He then said not to worry about it, everything would be fine. She's really lucky I wasn't pregnant. She wouldn't like a ticked off pregnant person.

I don't understand why people feel the need to be so rude. Especially when we aren't being rude to them. I could see if I was being rude to her, but I wasn't I was just letting her know why she was being charged. I guess I will never understand people. But people like her are why people like me have anxiety. It drives my crazy, literally

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