Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Falling Apart.

I really hate not having any health insurance or dental. I need a tooth pulled bad bc the whole top half of the crown cracked off. It doesn't hurt but I need it taken care of before it causes a real problem :( I also really need to have my back checked out again. I'ts been almost 3 years since my Accident and since they Diagnosed me with Arthritis. I have my good days and I have my bad days where its hard to even do anything. I tried applying for Medical Assistance again we'll see how things go from there. I'm only 27 and I feel like I'm in my 50's I hate this :( I shouldn't be going through all this crap yet.

On another note, I go back to work today after being off for the past 8 days, I had Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off as my normal days off from work last week. Went in on Friday and told I could go home bc the lab was down since Tuesday and there was nothing for me to do since the Truck and stuff was already done since they came when I was off. I was happy I got to go home, but bummed they didn't call me sooner so I didn't waste the gas since it's not a close drive for me to get there. Then I had the weekend off since I requested it since I always work the weekend, I like to request one off every now and then to get a break. Then work called me on Monday and said the lab was still down and still nothing for me to do so I could chose to not come in if I didn't want to which was nice but I hate losing the pay but I also hate being bored out of my mind when if I can get more stuff done at home I rather do that. DF and I wen't out that night to see Xmen First class which was nice since we hadn't been out of the house since we went to see Thor. Then I was off yesterday since Tuesday's are my Unavailable days at work.

But now I have work the next 6 days, Hopefully I don't get a phone call today saying the lab is still down. Bc then that means its been down for 8 days also which is killing our sales too, but killing my paycheck. Oh well time to go make breakfast for the little one and I.

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