Sunday, April 26, 2009

So Far So Good

So far things have been going pretty well. Today is my Last day off from my little vacation. I'm glad I chose this weekend because it has been so gorgeous outside. Last time I took a few days off it was so crappy out because mother nature couldn't make up her mind. Right now it's about 90 degrees which my one friend told me it was, that was at 10am. Yesterday it was about 80, not too hot and with a nice breeze. I ended up opening all the windows in the house, which made all the kittehs excited.

We also had to get out the AC already for the bedroom because the first night of just sleeping with the windows open was not cutting it. We both woke up sweating during the night. So at night we have been sleeping with the AC on because it's just been so hot in there. I don't think it would be too bad if we had a bedroom in a normal area, but since our room is technically where an attic would be it's allot warmer up there especially in the summer. Also being that DBF and I aren't very small either we both can radiate allot of body heat, and I read the other day that now that my hormones are changing I will start to generate more my self. Oh joy.

On another note, the other day I found a new Due Date Calculator online when I was looking for more tickers to see if there were any cool and unique ones. This one was more involved, it asked when my last period was and how long my cycle was. Which sometime last year my cycle went from a normal 28 day one to a 30 day one. Which just from those 3 extra day's that pushed my Due date back to December 21st, which actually made me very happy because that gives me the possibility to deliver on the 22nd like I had hoped I would. It also told me in detail of when I was ovulating and we conceived, which was right when I knew I had to have.

My first unofficial apt is this Tuesday. Which I can't wait to get things going already so I can have my first official one where we can finally hear the heartbeat and then maybe get to see our little peanut for the first time. DBF told me yesterday he has a list of questions he wants to ask the Dr. when we finally see one. I asked him like what, and he told me that He wants to know how far along I'll be before we can know the sex of the baby. I told him that's easy, at 20 weeks is when we can find out. He looked so sad. He's worried its going to be a girl because he said he's going to be more worried if it's a girl. Then I said to him but if it's a boy you won't worry? Boys have the same risks as girls do so you have to worry just the same no matter what the sex is.

So aside from that things with me have been going pretty well. I haven't found anything that made me really sick yet, and I haven't had any morning sickness but that one day. I don't think that was really morning sickness I think that had to do with a smell that didn't agree with me. But since then things have been going great, although I hate that I want to eat everything in the house. I've been trying to eat moderately so I don't gain to much weight during the pregnancy, but sometimes the cravings for food win over my will power. I have been good tho with choosing what I eat , been eating allot of veggies or salads, fruits or yogurts. I've been trying to stay away from sweets but when I do have some it's in reasonable amounts. I have a bunch of candy I got after Easter that was on clearance before I knew I was pregnant, which I still have allot of it left. I'll eat 1 or 2 Russel Stover egg and I'll be good all day.

I have been getting into the habit of making healthy dinners. The other day I made a nice Pot Roast in the crock pot. It came out so tender. Then last night I made a nice Pesto Pasta. I had some cut up chicken left over from the beginning of the week when I made that white chicken chili dinner. I ended up frying it up with the garlic, onions, spices, and spinach then added the Pesto Sauce once it was done cooking. Served over Rigatoni noodles, it came out fantastic. On the other hand, I do now have a sink full of dishes that I need to do sometime today, which I will probably wait for DBF to get home from work and help me with them.

Well I'm going to get going, I want to enjoy my day and do nothing until DBF gets home. I think I might talk him into going to the Cherry Blossom Festival that was going on this weekend. It's going on until 7 tonight I think that would be nice to get out of the house for a little bit and enjoy the weather. Maybe go for a nice walk afterwards also since we never do that in less it's when we go to Francis Slocum our state park. In the summer we like to go hiking on the trails.

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