Friday, March 2, 2012


So it has come to this again where I have neglected my blog. But allot has happened that I really don't want to get into so I'm just going to leave it at that.

I want to start writing again and since I have come up with some new ideas of things I'm going to start sharing them.

I have officially Joined the Prepper community. If you don't know what a prepper is it is someone who is prepping for anything from a major disaster to maybe fearing of losing their job. Our stockpile has saved us many times from when I hurt my back at work to when our Daughter was born. But after the flood we had last year from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee it really opened my eyes that we could have been better prepared for something like that. As we didn't get any damage our selves we were with out water for awhile, no power, and roads closed due to damage. So we were pretty much sitting ducks in our house.

Also we are expecting again. Due with #2 in September. Can't wait to find out what we are having though so we can prepare our selves for our new bundle of joy.

Yesterday a friend of mine shared a blog with me about someone who is trying to make things work in their 2 bedroom mobile home. I just adore her blog and want to try on working some of her ideas into my blog since we now live in our mobile home. My new years goal this year was to start to be more self sufficient and more organized. I have big plans to go through everything and start getting rid of some things and pack some things away like our Daughters old things. I also want to get rid of our storage unit so we can save more money. We already payed off one of the loans we were paying on this year, and I'm hoping to pay off some more things next year at income tax time. We really are hoping most of our debt is fully payed off by the time our Daughter starts school so then we can afford for me to drop part time.

Well I'm going to end this post here and come back another day when I don't have work. But I want to give this a try again.

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