Monday, March 12, 2012

Great Inspiration sometimes just Hits you.

So ever since we moved the litter boxes out of the middle room into the Kitchen I had a white Rack I didn't know what to do with. It was sitting in our spare bathroom till I figured it out since it wouldn't fit in there where I wanted because it's too wide. Then just now it hit me. Put it on top of my Dryer. I've been wanting to add extra storage in there but didn't have the money to get the shelving right now. It's perfect because the light is usually very good in their so it will be perfect to start my seeds too and I'll have the room to put them with the shelves. I'm so excited, I wish I thought of it sooner but hey better late then never. Here's what it looks like :D

Please ignore the mess in there right now and when it's nicer out I need to really clean the rack off bc there's like soda and juice spilled on it. But it works perfect I'm so thrilled. Just what I needed. This is how you Utilize your space ;)

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