This Blog is not Topic specific. I rather share everything going on in my life then just one particular thing. You will find me talking anything from my coupon/ stockpile obsession, my journey through being a New Mom to just my everyday life.
Well on lighter note with how things have been we have 2 new additions to the household yet again. In the end of July we brought home 2 more kittens, one black one white. We named them Wicket (black one) & Squee (white one).
Ok so once again I have abandoned my blog. Bad me. Sometimes I get in the mood to type everything going on, and other times I don't. It's kind of like how I am IRL. Sometimes I can be super talkative with people one day, then day I don't want to be bothered by anyone.
So since I have been MIA since May, I have allot of new's to catch everyone up with, good & sadly some bad. But I'm going to start with all my good news, how things have been going with the Pregnancy.
After my first Dr. appointment my next one took place on Tuesday May 26th, 09 @ 2:40p. I was very Disappointed with this one. It was our first meet with one of the possible Dr's that would be delivering our baby. As soon as we got there, I peed in my cup, they took my weight and blood pressure then took me to my room. First thing the Dr. wasn't on time. Then when he got there I was really hoping we would get to at least hear the heartbeat because I was 8 weeks at that point but we didn't. All he did was ask us a few questions then asked if we had any then sent us on our way. I think we saw him for a total of 5 mins. I wasn't very pleased with him at all.
My next one happened to be my end of the first trimester screening. They wanted to make sure the baby was growing properly and to make sure they couldn't see any birth defects. This took place on Tuesday June 2nd, 09 @ 1:30p. The U/S Technician was super nice when we were in there. Heartbeat, 176. Measurements are right on track with my EDD. She did find a cyst on my left ovary which also looked like the one that got me pregnant is what she told me. She also said it should go away during/after the pregnancy but is going to keep an eye on it to make sure. Baby was very active during the U/S. DBF was funny because he asked if I could feel any of it, and of course I couldn't.
Following appointment was on Tuesday, June 23, 09 @ 10am. Peed in my cup like usual, weighed me and took my blood pressure. All was good. They went over everything with my U/S and said everything looked great. Got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler finally, and spoke to the PA about my encounter with one of the Dr.'s I got to meet. DBF didn't want me to say anything but I couldn't hold it in, I was so annoyed by him. I felt much better getting it off of my chest.
Next appointment was on Tuesday, July 21, 09 @ 4:40pm. This was the latest appt. we had so far and I'll tell you I won't do another one that late ever again. This appointment was scheduled with the Dr. I got to meet previously that I didn't like. Well all I can say is I still don't like him because he was running late and at about 5pm we were let known that he was. A PA had to fill in for him and see us since he couldn't. I was annoyed because of him, but I was glad in away because I really liked the PA more. She let us hear the heartbeat, then asked us if we had any questions and we were out of there.
Wednesday, July 29, 09 @ 9:15am I had my first WIC appt. The ladies there were really nice. I'm glad I got accepted into the program. It's been a big help. I have my next one Later today actually to get my next 3 months of checks.
Monday, August 1, 09 @1pm we got to find out who our little bundle of joy was. It was a pain let me tell you. I'm glad we got there early because at first I went to the wrong place. My last U/S was at the same place I have my OB appointments, but for this one I was suppose to go to Radiology. Once we got to where we were suppose to be they called my name and here's where we had some issues. DBF and I wanted our mom's to be there for when we found out. Well my mom didn't like the fact that they all couldn't come back at first because they need to do all the scans they have to make sure everything is ok with the baby first before they do the Gender. DBF said she made a big fuss about it and his mom and him felt uncomfortable the way she took it. Oh well. Anyway after all the images needed were taken, She went out and got everyone to come back so we could find out who we are expecting. After awhile of looking around she couldn't get a perfect look because yet again baby was being very active and kept moving. She said she did get 2 good looks but before she could point it out baby would move. But she told us from what she saw she's calling GIRL. She said she saw no signs of any boy parts which if I could have taken a picture the face that DBF was making was priceless. He was hopping for a little boy so bad. It took him awhile to accept the fact, but now he's very happy about it, which makes me happy.
Appointment #6 was on Tuesday, August 25, 09 @ 9:20am. Same as usual, peed in my cup, got weighed, blood pressure was taken. Got to hear the heartbeat asked some questions about swelling and some discomfort breathing. Then went on our way.
Tuesday, September 22, 09 @ 9:15am. Peed in my cup, got weighed which I was shocked because I gained 8lbs from the last time I was there. I knew I had gained because I was feeling it but I didn't think I gained that much. But the PA didn't say anything when she came in and saw. She went over somethings she wanted me to start doing now that I was officially in the 3rd trimester at that point. She went over starting to keep track of a kick count, she wanted to make sure I was drinking more water, and eating right. She also wanted to set up for me to get blood work done which she said she wanted me to have done before I was 30 weeks. which I was 28 at that point. She wanted my Iron levels checked to make sure I wasn't anemic, and also to get my blood glucose test done to make sure I didn't develop Gestation Diabeties. She also said now my appointments were going to go from once a month to every 2 weeks.
Tuesday, October 6, 09 @ 11:45 am. This time I couldn't pee because I went before getting ready in the morning cause I couldn't hold it anymore. I got weighed which I was excited about because I lost 5lbs from the last time. I was worried I gained more because I have been eating allot more, but instead I lost some. The Dr. was concerned about it but then said since I started out over weight that if I gained no weight as long as I didn't lose any I would have been fine. But she kept asking me if I was eating or if I was sick which I wasn't sick and I was eating all the time, so I really have no idea how I could have lost weight. Especially 5lbs in the 2 weeks from my last appointment. Right after visiting with her, I went to the lab to get my blood work done. The Glucose one wasn't as bad as everyone I know has said it was. The stuff tasted pretty good except for because of how sugary it is, it did start to burn the back of my throat when I was trying to finish it. Then I sat there for an hour till they took my blood. I'm hoping that I pass it because I really don't want to have to go back and do the 3hr test. Sitting there for 1hr wasn't so bad, I read my magazine and by the time I knew it, it was time to get my blood drawn, but really to have to sit there for 3hrs is a bit of torture, you can do so many other better things in that 3hrs.
Next appointment is October 20th. I finally get to meet another Dr. other then the one I keep getting. I really hate how they don't have set Dr.'s. I would much rather get to know 1 then to meet someone new every appointment.
27W 5D Belly Pic
So far my pregnancy has been pretty easy except for a few things. I miss sleeping on my stomach, but with the help from my body pillow it has made sleeping on my side easier. Now that I'm further along it's starting to get harder to be on my feet all the time. They are always sore and my legs swell often. Also with my belly it's getting hard to move around because of how awkward I am now. And I thought I would be excited to be able to feel the baby move, but let me tell you I hate it. It's the weirdest feeling ever and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.
Also back on June 22nd, DBF and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. Now only if he would propose to me. lol
Well on to a sad note and the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with, my Father passed away. August 22nd, 2009. I got the call around 7:30pm from the Dumore Police that they had found my father not breathing. It's been one of the hardest things I had to go through, especially right now. I will probably go into it more another day because thinking about that night right now is starting to make me want to cry and I don't really want to right this moment, because I'm afraid I won't stop. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him and I can't believe he's actually gone.
Dad & DBF RIP Dad, March 21, 1956 - August 22, 2009
Not a day goes by where I'm not thinking of you. I wish you held on long enough just to see your Granddaughter but God had another plan for you. Your in a better place now. I love you.
Well I'm going to end this post here. I have one other thing we are dealing with right now that I will have to go over another day because it's allot to go over with the details. Hopefully I can keep up once again.